Congratulate with the unforgettable voucher from Bontique

Order a voucher now as a gift for success!

Choose voucher image

Choose one of the two images and decide on the value and number of vouchers you need.

Your personal congratulations message

Congratulate them on their success and leave a personal message on the check.

Download voucher and give as a gift

Immediately after your payment with TWINT or credit card, you can download your customised PDF voucher.

The Bontique voucher - the ultimate success bonus

Personal and individual

Choose a template and add a personal message. The Thank You voucher is filled with a diverse selection of exciting offers from shopping and short trips to wellness and indulgence.

Great offers

In our partner offer, there's something for everyone. Using our vouchers is incredibly straightforward. Whether it's the latest deals from Zalando or Ochsnersport, shopping at Manor, culinary delights from Globus, short getaways with weekend4two, the thrill of skydiving, or stylish furniture from IKEA and many others - the recipients are spoiled in choice with our extensive selection of esteemed partner companies.

One voucher, multiple gifts

The person receiving the gift voucher can divide the value of the voucher among various offers and fulfil several wishes.

Celebrate success with a voucher full of variety

Successes are meant to be celebrated. But what is the ideal gift to honor this special achievement? This is where Bontique comes in. With us, you can create a personalized Bonus voucher, filled with a diverse array of exciting possibilities. It’s the gift of choice, the gift of freedom. Through our platform, you’re not simply giving something material; you’re giving an experience. Imagine the gleaming eyes, the anticipation, and the heartfelt gratitude when the honored person realizes that they can choose their own gift as they please. Every success is an opportunity to create unforgettable memories and celebrate heartfelt moments. So why settle for the ordinary when you can make every success extraordinary? Dive into the joy of giving like never before with the Bontique voucher – a gift that leaves a lasting impression with its versatility.

Bontique – Gutscheine und Wertschätzung von Mitarbeitenden

Would you like to celebrate successes together or establish the Bontique vouchers in your company?

Give joy together:
Collect money online and surprise!

Collect money and heartfelt messages online in a group and surprise special people with a versatile voucher – all in one place! Simply create a collection, share the link with your group, and soon you’ll be spreading Bontique joy.

Looking for a way to reward your employees? Discover our voucher solution for your company!

BontiqueOne opens up the wonderful world of personalized appreciation through custom vouchers. Here, you have the opportunity to create personal acknowledgments and manage your employee incentives in one central place.

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Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest appreciation trends, our current partners and the further development of Bontique. We will be happy to send you regular updates and exciting information directly to your e-mail inbox.
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