Frequently asked questions
You have 24 months to exchange your Bontique voucher on our platform for a voucher from a partner of your choice. You can find the exact expiration date of the conversion period after entering your Bontique code in the main navigation on the right under ‘Your Credit’.
After converting the Bontique voucher into a partner voucher, the respective voucher validity period of the chosen partner applies, which is visible on the Bontique offer page.
Please inform your personnel department / your superior about the loss of your Bontique-Check. If the code of the Bontique-Check is disclosed, it will be blocked and replaced with a new Bontique-Check at the request of your HR department.
The most important information is listed on our website for each offer. If you still have questions, please contact the partner before converting your Bontique-Check.
No, Bontique-Checks cannot be accumulated and must be redeemed individually via our offer page.
Yes, Bontique checks can be transferred to another person.
No, returns and exchanges of Bontique-Checks are not possible.
If you receive an error message, it may be a typing error. Check the code and enter it again or try scanning the QR code to access the offer page.
If you receive a message that your Bontique-Check is not yet activated, please contact us by email or phone and we will be happy to help you.
The Bontique-Check can be redeemed immediately upon reception. If you receive a message that your Bontique-Check has not yet been activated, please contact us by e-mail or telephone and we will be happy to help you.
After the conversion, the online code is displayed directly and released for copying. You can also find the online code on the main page under the offer overview. To do so, click on “My Conversions” at the top right.
The value of your Bontique-Check can be split between several offers. Any remaining credit remains on your Bontique-Check so that you can benefit from it later.
We could not answer all of your questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us .